Help Fund Our Drawing Outreach Campaign!

With the publication of the new edition of our first book, now called The Joy of Drawing A Beginner’s Manual, we will be launching a campaign to make the book broadly available through libraries which will be the focus of our activities. It will also be available through Amazon as an e-book and trade paperback.

Our Distribution Plan
Our plan is to expand our drawing program to libraries throughout the San Francisco Bay Area from East Palo Alto to Half Moon Bay. This will require training others to deliver our workshops and classes based on the book.
From there we will branch out to libraries throughout the Peninsula and beyond, including your local library!

The new book includes a downloadable workbook as well as YouTube video demonstrations that can be downloaded for each chapter. Thus the beginner will have every possible chance to be successful in their quest to learn to draw!
Along with the book, our campaign includes introducing new people to the joys they can experience through learning to draw with scheduled workshops throughout San Mateo County and the bay area!

This campaign aligns perfectly to our mandate to make our learn to draw books, workshops and services broadly available to underserved communities and people of all ages and backgrounds, bringing them to the joy that learning to draw can bring.
Please consider a donation before the year
ends and/or on a monthly basis
All donations are tax deductible under the law.
Joy of Drawing Inc.’s public charity status under IRC 501(c)(3) EIN# 88-3122171.